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It's important to make sure you keep your finances organized during your retirement years to remain comfortable and continue pursuing your goals.  Image: Towfiqu barbhuiya | Unsplash

How to Organize Your Finances as a New Retiree

If you’ve finally reached retirement, congratulations! This is yet another chapter in life you must learn to navigate, as you’ll suddenly have much more time to spend with your personal interests. This could mean you dive deep into a hobby, plan to travel more or find a new part-time job to stay active. Whatever your path may be, you’ll want to make sure you keep your finances organized during your retirement years to remain comfortable and continue pursuing your goals.

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Any older adult can fall victim to this scam, including your loved one, and it happens more often than you might think.

Keeping Your Older Loved One Safe from Grandparent Scams

It’s an old stereotype that grandparents will do almost anything for their grandchildren—including opening their wallets more often than they probably should. If they hear their grandchild is experiencing a crisis, their first response is likely to do whatever they can to help them. Unfortunately, fraudsters are taking advantage of this natural impulse to help with a type of scheme known as a “grandparent scam.”

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By Julie Hayes | 06/15/2022

The Financial Fatigue of Caregiving: When Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

This informative webinar is for family and friend caregivers or supporters of persons with dementia. This webinar discusses the effects caregiving has on your finances, and how to effectively manage your finances while balancing multiple responsibilities. We cover how to have difficult conversations about taking on the financial role of caring for a loved one, estate planning and how to make sure your loved ones are protected against financial exploitation.


By Tiffany Taylor | 03/03/2022

One in 10 Americans age 60 and older are the victims of elder abuse

Breaking Down the Seven Types of Elder Abuse

Caregivers play an important role in protecting not just a loved one’s health, but their overall safety and wellness as well. According to the National Council on Aging, one in 10 Americans age 60 and older are the victims of elder abuse, but only around one in every 24 cases of abuse is reported. In cases when a loved one is unable or even unwilling to report, caregivers may be the person in the best position to get help. However, it can be hard to identify the problem if we are unfamiliar with the types of actions that qualify as abuse.

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By Julie Hayes | 12/15/2021

The Impact of Cybercrimes on Mental Health in Older Adults

Cybercrimes have increased 20 percent since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020. Romance scams stole more than $139 million from older adults in 2020. According to a report by the Federal Trade Commission, that’s a 65 percent increase from 2019, when reported losses were nearly $84 million. While the monetary loss is staggering, it is often the devastating emotional toll that impacts the mental health of older adults, their families and those that care for them the most. This webinar will explore the topic of cybercrimes, why older adults are targets, the impact this trauma can have on an individual's mental health and ways to find help in the community.


By Tam Cooper | 12/09/2021