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A patient consulting with her doctor

Delirium with UTIs in Older Adults

Have you noticed a change in the behavior of an older adult you care for? Perhaps this change has taken place over the span of several days, and includes symptoms such as confusion, restlessness, hallucinations or social withdrawal? Before we jump to the conclusion that a loved one has the beginnings of dementia, we should have a physical exam performed by a physician. They instead might be suffering from delirium brought on by a urinary tract infection (UTI).

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An older adult working out

Benefits of Exercise for Older Adults

We’ve all heard it a hundred times: exercise is important! When we hear this, many of us automatically think of the role of exercise in weight management, but do we think about the other benefits of exercising? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlight many of these benefits such as reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression; improving our moods; reducing our blood pressure and the risk of falls; and maintaining healthy bones, muscles and joints.

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By Ashlee Williman | 09/10/2019

I’m the Man (and the Caregiver)

All of us caring for aging loved ones face unique challenges. Societal expectations about who handles these responsibilities – and how they should be handled – make some of these challenges ever more difficult for male caregivers. After all, when we think and talk about family caregivers, most of us immediately envision a woman, usually a wife or a daughter, and it is with this image in mind that most caregiver support programs have been created. And yet, according to a recent AARP study, 44 percent of family caregivers for older adults—or six million caregivers—are actually men, and 28 percent of these men are millennials

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By Lisa Weitzman | 09/10/2019

Increasing proportions of minority households with older adults means that these older adults will face fewer resources and higher mortgage debt, as well as other housing disparities that are often the result of past discrimination

Why the Fair Housing Act Matters

Many people have heard of fair housing, but don’t truly understand their rights under the Fair Housing Act. Whether we are renters or buyers, we should familiarize ourselves with and know the Fair Housing Act so we can better understand federal fair housing policies and laws, and what our rights are.

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By Antoinette Smith | 09/10/2019

Two older adults reviewing financial documents together

Helping a Loved One Maintain Good Credit

While it’s important for all of us, at any age, to keep our finances in good condition, issues of credit card debt are growing among older adults. If we are caring for a loved one struggling with debt and maintaining good credit, it is important for us to understand credit scoring and how to help a loved one improve their credit so they can better manage debt.

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By Tiffany Taylor and Julie Hayes | 09/10/2019